Spiritual Gym for Men

| London

A time for men to gather online and take up spiritual topics each month to reflect and discuss.

First Sunday of every month.
All Men Welcome
Join Zoom -  Meeting ID: 914 8219 4998   Passcode: 033223
Ram Singal was on the 64 th floor of the World Trade Centre, New York, on 11th September 2001 when two planes hit the Twin Towers. He overcame many of his own physical problems and slowly led a group of people to safety. Minutes later the tower collapsed. He had a unique positive experience. Because he was trying to help others, he himself did not experience fear, anger, or helplessness.
Ram has been practicing raja yoga meditation for nearly 50 years. Based in New York, he has worked all his life as a civil engineer and, wherever he goes, he uplifts and inspires people with his love and positivity. He is determined to turn the tragedy of 9/11 into a triumph and travels the world promoting an initiative called ‘7 Billion Acts Of Goodness’ which aims to create a tsunami of goodness to overwhelm the negativity in the world and create heaven on earth.

For further information, please contact the SAM team: sam@uk.brahmakumaris.org

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