

Self-worth doesn’t come from what you do. It comes from the quality and virtue you bring to each act.



You need courage to be true to yourself. Go inside yourself and evoke your courage.



Speak the truth, but do so lovingly.



Go into an experience of stillness for one minute and the power of that will remain for the rest of the hour.



Keeping my own mind calm and clear is the easiest method to sort out messy situations.



Planting for Peace

A group of Brahma Kumaris students and volunteers from St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace came together to plant trees and share spiritual understanding and experiences at the William Robinson Gravetye Estate near Horsham in West Sussex over a weekend in January. The weekend is one of many organised by St Ethelburga’s around the UK. It was interspersed with meditation and spiritual sharing, acknowledging the past actions that have harmed people, the land and species - seeking forgiveness, being grateful and honouring the act of reconciliation and peace. The hectare of land planted with 340 trees was aptly named ‘Peace Wood’.  

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Pause for Peace Call at Glasgow 850

Marking 850 years since Glasgow was founded, Glasgow 850 was launched at a special interfaith celebration at Glasgow Cathedral in January. The event was hosted by Glasgow’s Lord Provost and brought together 250 people from Glasgow’s diverse communities. Rose Goodenough of Glasgow Inner Space (pictured above) was one of the speakers: "At this meeting of hearts, let’s listen to the call of time.This time carries with it special blessings. Our minds open to inner peace and spiritual love. Dear Glasgow, take a 'pause for peace'.Take a 'pause for peace' every hour. Om shanti.”  

New Activities in Liverpool

Inner Space Manchester is starting free monthly events in Liverpool at the Public Library. To find out more contact manchester@innerspace.org or subscribe to receive news on manchester.innerspace.org  




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Your Relationship with Your Mind

just-a-minute meditation commentaries

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Meditation Lounge

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Complications seem to be an inevitable by-product of modern living. Simplicity gives birth to inspirations. Keeping my own mind calm and clear is the easiest method to sort out messy situations. Maintaining a balance of living simply yet comfortably, and only using what I really need of the earth’s resources, I will always have abundance in my life.

Thought for Today

Good thoughts for a healthy mind