

Self-worth doesn’t come from what you do. It comes from the quality and virtue you bring to each act.



You need courage to be true to yourself. Go inside yourself and evoke your courage.



Speak the truth, but do so lovingly.



Go into an experience of stillness for one minute and the power of that will remain for the rest of the hour.



Keeping my own mind calm and clear is the easiest method to sort out messy situations.



Forest Bathing at The Global Retreat Centre

In the beautiful grounds of The Global Retreat Centre you can now try a new way of meditating. Forest bathing, or Shinrin-Yoku in Japanese, means to soak in the forest through all of your senses - to relax deeply and immerse yourself in the environment and allow the natural world to re-energise what is natural within yourself. It’s a beautiful, meditative experience that quietens the mind and can help reduce stress, improve concentration and increase wellbeing. To find out more and book your place, click here.  

Peace Prayers at London Peace Pagoda

Sister Priti, who co-ordinates Brahma Kumaris activities in South London, was invited to speak at the 39th celebration of the London Peace Pagoda in Battersea Park, London in June. The interfaith peace prayer meeting was organised by Buddhist monk Rev G Nagase of the Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist organisation. Sister Priti gave a small talk and meditation on inner peace and peace in the world.  

24 Goals in 2024

For seasoned goal-setters, as well as those new to meditation and personal development, 24 Goals in 2024 is a new initiative from Inner Space Covent Garden. You will receive an email twice a month with a new theme, through the year. Click here to find out more.  




21 Days to Make a Difference

Your Relationship with Your Mind

just-a-minute meditation commentaries

Learn to relax, refocus and re-energise in just one minute

Meditation Lounge

Relaxing meditations and daily thoughts

Go Giver

It’s been said that you cannot give away what you do not have. One of the most spiritual important insights or secrets in life is that you already have, and always have had, what you need to give away! If you impart the message that ‘I am not worthy’ the universe will send it straight back in many shapes, forms and circumstances. When we say ‘give me’ we are imparting this message. We are saying we think we need to get something to complete ourselves or prove our worth. Most of us are taught to live a life of gimmie gimmie gimmie – always striving, desiring, wanting, struggling. We do so only because we think that when we get what we want we will be fulfilled and esteemed by others. But it’s an illusion. We are all already complete and worthy but we cannot know it and experience it, until we give it away! Only giving allows us to know what we are and what we have within. Ask the question – how can I serve? The intention to serve will point you towards what you need to give. If the intention is real it also generates the will. The most successful people in life are not go getters, but go givers!

Thought for Today

Good thoughts for a healthy mind