श्रेष्ठ आत्मसम्मान: आत्म-खोज और सशक्तिकरण की ओर - Building a high Self-Esteem

Join us in this interactive session to learn the tools to build self-esteem and how it impacts our lives.
Zoom meeting url: https://brahmakumaris-uk.zoom.us/j/96017802176?pwd=RG54bjVTQ082RStYaSt6ckl6UFpxZz09
ID: 960 1780 2176  |  Passcode: women
For joining by phone dial 02034815237 or 01314601196.
Free online event in Hindi for Women
For any queries: Email uptonpark@uk.brahmakumaris.org or Call 07440415635.
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