Creating Abundance through Acts of Goodness - a Free of Charge online talk

| Leeds
Creating Abundance Through Acts of Goodness 
Wednesday 3rd July 7.00pm - 8.15pm
This series was inspired by the global project initiated by Ram Singal called '7 Billion Acts of Goodness'.  Each month, we will be interviewing an experienced meditator and asking them to talk about an act of goodness they have experienced or done themselves and the impact it has had on their lives. 
 The speaker this month is Judy Johnson who works as a consultant facilitating leadership and organisational development.  She has practised Raja Yoga meditation with the Brahma Kumaris for 26 years and coordinates the activities of the Brahma Kumaris in Atlantic Canada.  Judy is an author and co-founder of ‘Peace Halifax,’ a festival for peace in the city of Halifax, Canada.  Her books include a young adult novel “The Seven Secrets of the Universe"(2014) "Beautiful Thoughts"(2019) and "Living as Art" (2018). 
 Click on this direct link to join the online event:






























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