When we save Time... IT Saves US

| Upton Park, London
In a world of opposites, we are given the opportunity to understand the significance of time in self and world transformation.  Inherent in this is that we also have the choice to be the creator or the created of time.  In each case, we either enhance or keep our inner spiritual powers dormant.  So, how can we ‘save time’ to enable it to save us?
Speaker: Nina Buchanan
With a background in corporate management and group dynamics, Nina has a deep understanding of spiritual knowledge and is multi-faceted in her response to catering for the unique needs of individuals who seek to transform their lives.  Her life experience is enhanced through her spiritual journey of 27 years as a meditation and self-empowerment practitioner.  Nina finds that exploring the concept of “When I change, others also change”, having a sense of humour, and being able to laugh at oneself, help to make the journey light and entertaining.
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