Raja Yoga in a Nutshell - live in person

~ Y O G A   F O R   T H E   M I N D ~

Raja Yoga is the process of rediscovering, using and enjoying the positive qualities already latent within, and expressing them in our interactions with others.

The course will reveal the secrets of consciousness and the treasures of the soul.  It will establish a link with the Divine and bring awareness of where we are right now.  It will bring light to our connectedness, and show how unity can be created with a greater understanding and a change of heart and mind.

Please bring your own vegetarian lunch in keeping with the day.  Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided.

West Blatchington Windmill, Holmes Avenue, Hove, Brighton, BN3 7LE.

The day is offered Free of Charge - voluntary contributions gratefully accepted.