Food for the Soul: An Online Series ~ We Can All Mess Up Sometimes!

| Brighton

We all mess up; we’re human. 

But we always have the choice to clean up the mess. Why not reconnect with someone who you’ve messed up with? Put your ego aside and forgive yourself and the other person. Be open, honest, and willing to make amends. Then give things time and space, as they say, ‘time heals.’

A short talk with a chance to ask questions and ending with a meditation.  

Why NOT take a break and join us?

The host will connect you when the event starts.  Please keep your microphone muted and camera off (bottom left of the live screen) so as not to distract the other participants.  You can change your view by selecting the Speaker/Grid View options in the top right corner, or swiping the screen sideways on a smartphone or tablet.


All our events are offered free of charge in Brighton & Hove, Crawley, Eastbourne, Enfield, Tunbridge Wells and throughout SE England - voluntary contributions are gratefully received.

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