(In-person talk) Make Your Mind Your Friend
3.30 - 5pm Sat 5th October
University of Suffolk, Waterfront Building, 19 Neptune Quay, Ipswich IP4 1QJ
John Milton once said, 'The mind is its own place and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.' In this talk, we will delve into how our emotions, reactions, personality, thoughts, attitudes, and dreams are shaped by the mind, and explore this fascinating and invaluable subject in greater depth. All welcome, free of charge.
Facilitator Dr. Prashant Kakoday, based in Cambridge, has a background in E.N.T. surgery and integrated health. With 40+ years of Raja Yoga meditation experience, he explores the link between the psyche, emotions, behaviour, and health, sharing insights globally, including the U.S. medical programs.
For getting to the venue: https://www.uos.ac.uk/about/find-us Visitors to the University should use Duke Street car park (IP3 0AQ). For further information and assistance contact t: 07716430931 e: sarah.fitzgerald@innerspace.org