(Online talk) Digital Detox: Reclaiming Your Mind and Body in a Hyperconnected World

Friday 25 October, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Friday 25th October

16:00 - 17:00 UK time

Join Zoom meeting: https://brahmakumaris-uk.zoom.us/j/95190489204?pwd=NUdXbTdUOU5TYkFTa1MxQy9KRWFWUT09

Meeting ID: 951 9048 9204 Passcode: happiness

In a world of constant digital distractions, our minds often feel scattered, and our wellbeing suffers. This session explores how disconnecting from technology can restore inner peace and rejuvenate your body. By taking time to pause and refocus, you can regain mental clarity, enhance concentration, and reconnect with your true self. Learn practical steps to balance technology use and live with greater calm, focus, and presence.

Dr Prashant Kakoday is based in Cambridge and has a background in  E.N.T. surgery and integrated health. His main interest is in the relationship between the psyche, emotions, behaviour and health. Prashant has spoken on these subjects in many countries and institutions, including the W.H.O. and the Medical Teaching Program within the U.S.A.

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