

Self-worth doesn’t come from what you do. It comes from the quality and virtue you bring to each act.



You need courage to be true to yourself. Go inside yourself and evoke your courage.



Speak the truth, but do so lovingly.



Go into an experience of stillness for one minute and the power of that will remain for the rest of the hour.



Keeping my own mind calm and clear is the easiest method to sort out messy situations.



Celebrating UN World Meditation Day - 21 December

This 21st December was the first ever United Nations designated World Meditation Day. To mark this occasion, a special event was held on the day at Global Co-operation House. Sister Jayanti was joined by other young yogis on the stage, and a powerfully focussed live in-house audience. Around 2,000 joined the live event online too and within 24 hours the number of online connections had risen to 8,000. Thanks to everyone who contributed their positive thoughts for the world to this special day.

The Winter Solstice Day saw people around the globe united in meditation for inner peace and global harmony, to honour the adoption of this groundbreaking resolution. The UN maintains that modern science confirms the numerous benefits of meditation and its profound impact on our lives. It is rooted in ancient practices and is an effective tool to achieve inner transformation and peace in the modern day.  

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Peace for Christmas and the New Year

In her message for Christmas, the Holiday Season and the New Year, Sister Jayanti invites us all to take time to cultivate peace and love inside ourselves so that together we can create a ripple of peace for the world. See our Events page to find out about the variety of special events and meditation sessions, online and in house, over the holiday season to support and inspire you on your journey. Click here to watch the message.  

New Activities in Liverpool

Inner Space Manchester is starting free monthly events in Liverpool at the Public Library. To find out more contact manchester@innerspace.org or subscribe to receive news on manchester.innerspace.org  




21 Days to Make a Difference

Your Relationship with Your Mind

just-a-minute meditation commentaries

Learn to relax, refocus and re-energise in just one minute

Meditation Lounge

Relaxing meditations and daily thoughts

Beauty of the Sky …

Leave worries aside and you will be surprised by the beauty of the sky and the colour of flowers, of the freshness of the breeze and the generosity of the sun. You will feel you are part of creation, and life will start to make sense.

The greatest wealth is to appreciate what we have and what we are.

Thought for Today

Good thoughts for a healthy mind