Self-worth doesn’t come from what you do. It comes from the quality and virtue you bring to each act.
You need courage to be true to yourself. Go inside yourself and evoke your courage.
Speak the truth, but do so lovingly.
Go into an experience of stillness for one minute and the power of that will remain for the rest of the hour.
Keeping my own mind calm and clear is the easiest method to sort out messy situations.

Understanding Maha Shivratri
At Global Co-operation House over 700 people attended Belonging to the One, our Maha Shivratri celebration and exhibition, including the Mayor of Brent, Mr Tariq Dar MBE, who is seen here visiting the exhibition explaining the spiritual significance of this festival that is celebrated around the world every February. To watch a recording of the stage programme, click here.

Awakening the Spirit Within
The Global Retreat Centre near Oxford is now offering occasional residential retreats entitled Awakening A Spiritual Life. Designed specifically for those who have completed the Raja Yoga meditation course and have not yet attended a residential retreat there, it's a chance to go deeper into soul consciousness and God consciousness and create, explore, and sustain your own unique spiritual experiences. Click here to find out more.

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Inside Out
There is essentially only one way in which you can bring about self-transformation – that’s if you want to – but you will not think you need to if you are still taking your happiness from outside yourself, and still managing to tolerate the periods of unhappiness which result.
As soon as your happiness is dependent on anything outside, you make yourself a slave to a condition, substance or perhaps a person. A slave is not free. And happiness is impossible if you are not free. Perhaps this goes some way to explaining why our happiness fluctuates.
Real happiness does not go up and down. Real freedom means that your happiness comes from inside out. That will require detachment and renunciation, not least from the illusions and conditioning of society which would have you believe happiness can be acquired from outside in. Can you see it? Inside out, not outside in.
Thought for Today
Good thoughts for a healthy mind